Quality, Health, Environment

The company’s general policy and the initiatives they have undertaken have one goal regarding safety, health at work and protection of the environment: attaining zero serious accidents, zero occupational illness and have as little an impact of activities on the environment as possible. To achieve our goal we have chosen the MASE, (Manuel d’Amélioration de la Sécurité des Entreprises – Company Safety Improvement Manual) system of reference.

Today our corporate continuous improvement policy is based on 4 areas:

Improving Safety, Health, Hygiene

We devote a large part of the budget to purchasing safety materials to improve the working conditions of our journeymen and minimise the risks of accidents. At the same time, prevention and awareness raising training schemes have been organised within our company to inform our staff about the risk factors on sites, with the participation of the OPPBTP, the CRAM and the different prevention organisations.

Protecting the Environment

By taking part in developing and modernising work methods, we incorporate new materials, new technologies or new machines on our sites with the aim of improving not only the comfort and safety of our employees but also protecting the environment inside and around the sites.

Training our employees

We welcome and train young people to ensure the future and to develop talents.
Continuous training courses (CESI, training in CACES – safe driving aptitude certificate…) are financed by our company; this improves the knowledge of our young journeymen and gives them new responsibilities.

Ensuring the Quality in performance and deadlines

In terms of quality, our company works in accordance with its commitments to develop its clients’ loyalty and meet their requirements.
Meetings are organised every week between the management team, the project managers and the site foremen in order to exchange ideas with the aim of improving work methods and the quality of our works.

To achieve our objectives, we have defined HSE facilitators at all company levels: Senior executives, Managers, Technicians, administrative staff. This committee conducts audits and HSE activities on sites and gets together monthly to draw up guidelines. Our performance is measured by the evolution of the Frequency Rate and the Severity Rate, number of day’s sick leave and the evolution of neighbouring indicators.

Environmental management

The aim of our method is a site that respects the environment on two levels:

The site and its vicinity:

This involves nuisances felt by the users, within or outside of the site: the site staff, the locals, the occupants in the event of renovation, users of the public roads. These nuisances are for example noise, dirt, traffic, parking.

The environment and the population in general:

The aim is therefore to protect natural resources and reduce the impact of sites on the environment especially in terms of product waste and induced pollution. To achieve our goal, we have studied three targets to implement initiatives to manage and reduce environmental nuisances:

• Flow entering the site: machines and equipment used onsite, materials and products implemented…

• The site itself: techniques used, organisation of pre-sorting…

• Flow leaving the site: evacuated waste, nuisance generated vis-à-vis locals.

This method of analysis enabled us to define 10 criteria adapted to our activity and its general environment.