Work procedures

IDEA Construction has a number of HQE site references and applies to each of its sites an environment charter that is an integral part of the internal procedure.
The “clean site” charter is displayed in the meeting chalet and repeated on an adapted format to be displayed in the site’s canteens and changing rooms.
In addition to the simple poster, the “clean site” charter is combined with our procedures and our HSE plan of action (Health, Safety and Environment).

In the framework of our corporate policy, we have put 3 continuous improvement strategies in place:

Concrete actions in the field
for compliance with these procedures:

• Have the Charter signed by all of its subcontractors,

• Draw up and apply an organisational plan for managing waste and inform all of its subcontractors of this organisation ,

• Include in our site welcome booklet the distinctive features of the site,

• Define and put in place the poster campaign to inform about the Clean Site approach,

• Be attentive to locals about the site throughout the duration of works,

• During our safety and/or safety chats ¼ hours organised every week, we will include our subcontractors in our MASE approach.

Management of site skips

We have put a policy in place to manage waste and reduce our environmental impact.
To ensure the results of this policy are monitored we regularly survey skip contents through two methods:

  • A visual onsite check of the contents of the skip to check whether sorting has really been carried out,
  • A check after the landfill skip has been emptied via the sorting report established by our supplier.

Thermal aspect

We have built more than 200 BBC (low-energy building) labelled houses to date. The energy revolution touches very closely structural works.

So to ensure perfect performance of structural works, we have included in our structural works quality plan the suitable checks concerning the quality of construction joints, draughtproofing, filling in form panel holes, interfaces between structural works and joinery among others…

We will therefore take great pains with the quality of realisation of the building’s casing and the technical interfaces between the works shell and core in order to guarantee the success of air tightness measures provided for in the framework of the label.

Furthermore, we have recently bought an ISOVER blower allowing us to carry out the first air tightness tests ourselves:

  • Detecting the singular points in the shell and core stage,
  • Establishing a final check before the ultimate test,
  • Having proof in the event of an inter-company conflict for the acceptance of supports (subcontractor)
  • Looking at the impact of the handling of leaks in real time.

  • QSR: Quality Without Reservations, based on the Total Quality Management method in force in the industrial field.
  • HQE: High Environmental Quality based on HQE criteria in place in the building field.